Greenhouse repaired after storm damage, Pruning the back border. Lots of shredding and found a birds nest in the bush ...
Some years ago we moved to a new house which had a tiny suburban garden giving little room for growing vegetables, mainly a small herb bed and some salad crops. Then I realised there was an allotment ...
Tayberry (Rubus fruticosus x ideaus) is a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and is named after the River Tay in Scotland. It was patented in 1979. If there is only space to grow one ...
Onion sets are small, immature onions whose development has been stopped. The onions are carefully stored in climate controlled conditions until spring when they appear in the shops. For the beginner ...
The onion fly lays its eggs by the base of the onion which then hatch into maggots who eat away at the base of the onion and its roots killing the onion. Identifying the problem is straightforward.
A delicious, frugal radish leaf soup easily prepared using as the primary ingredient, radish leaves which are most often discarded.
You can grow any type of tomato in a greenhouse but the bush (also known as determinate) varieties take up a lot of valuable floor space whereas the cordon (also called pole or indeterminate) ...
As with the three year crop rotations and five year crop rotations, we divide our plot up after allowing for the permanent beds of comfrey, asparagus and rhubarb etc. In this case into four beds or ...
There is only one variety of long carrot suitable for show and that is ‘New Red Intermediate’. The one big problem with growing long roots is that you are never quite sure what is going on down below ...
Cauliflowers are not the easiest of brassicas to grow but I think they are probably the most satisfying. A beautifully formed cauliflower with tight curds is wonderful to see and producing it is a ...
Every year we sit down with the merchant’s catalogues and try and decide what potatoes to grow. With the all the different varieties on offer, no easy task. Usually we stick to some that we know grow ...
How to Grow Almonds - A Guide to Growing Almonds Almond trees are In the same family as peaches, nectarines and plums , and the nuts grow as kernels within the fruit in the same way. Almonds can be ...