Yet another question about Burgos Cathedral! I have forgotten exactly where I was when I took the photo, it's not important, but, if you know where the window is, I'd be pleased to know. My question ...
If I arrive in Leon at kl 21.11, the tourist office is closed. Is there an albergue I can go to to get a credential? Didn't have time to order one. Yes, Albergue del convento de las Carbajalas.
I feel ashamed for having it on my door step and not walking. Soon I will walk from Madrid to Segovia just to try the Camino de Madrid. I’ll let you know how it was. (Pic: on a trail in San Ildefonso, ...
There is a tomb in the Royal Pantheon in the monastery of Santa María la Real on which is inscribed "Reina Doña Clara Huraca Mujer de Rei Don Sancho". I can't find anything about a queen named Clara.
Check out the Guardian today, there's an article today "Spanish Steppes" In an article by Mark Everligh he suggests that few days walking on the Via del la Plata in Autum could be a very inexpesive ...
Bit of wishful thinking here. We were looking at our options over lunch today. I'd love to retire, but can't unfortunately. But I can work remotely. And ease back my working hours a bit. I'm hoping to ...
Can anybody tell me what the section of the retablo of the Chapel of the Birth Of the Virgin Mary (Capilla de la Natividad de la Virgen) represents, shown in the attached photo? Thanks. I cherish the ...
Have walked the short route 2 weeks ago, in rain. Well signed, the paths are in good condition. A part of the road is steep uphill, but the path is excellent. Consider to stay in albergue Parga Natura ...
We are starting the third decade of the Camino de Santiago forum. The first post available for us to see is #1 on thread #3, titled “Hostal Suso” dated October 12, 2004. That is actually the third ...
My husband and I are planning our first Camino the Coastal Portuguese (or variation of coast and inland) in May/June 2025. Our plan is to start in Porto and finish in Santiago de Compostela but we ...
I am currently looking for a new backpack for my next camino and was wondering if anybody on the forum has triednwith the gossamer G4-20 UL 42 ? I hope I don’t sound like one of those agitated new ...
Does anyone know if there’s an actual currency exchange place in St. Jean? I am aware that I can get money out of ATM machines. Thanks in advance! Express Exchange es una casa de cambio (money ...