你可透过以下连结查阅详情。 你可透过以下连结查阅详情。 你可透过以下连结查阅详情。 透过自订车辆登记号码计划,你可向运输署申请喜欢的自订车辆登记号码。如申请获得批准,你可在拍卖会上竞投该号码。 (1)网上查询 你可网上查询拟申请的自订车辆 ...
(2) meet the basic combination requirements. A printer to print out a hard copy of the acknowledgement page, or a storage device to save your application details. (Note: If you do not have both, ...
Please note that if a chargeable instrument is not duly stamped, any person who uses such instrument is also liable to the stamp duty and any penalty. Found this page helpful? Found this page helpful?
You can now notify the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) online about changes in rates and Government rent payer's name or both name and address where there is any change in property ownership or ...
Buildings Department Notification of Change of Business Address / Contact Information (Form BA24)PDF Notice of Change of Personal Particulars for User of Building Records Access and Viewing On-line ...
当物业业权有变,或因其他原因须更改差饷及/或地租缴纳人的姓名及邮递地址,你可于网上通知差饷物业估价署。这篇文章 ...
Buying a home is a big decision for many people. Doing more preparation will definitely pay off in the long run. This article provides you with handy information and tips. Looking for a Flat You can ...
There are certain things you have to pay attention to when purchasing a first-hand residential property, be it completed or uncompleted. This article will provide some tips for you. Buying First-hand ...
工业贸易署 未经加工钻石商登记及未经加工钻石转运豁免登记-更改登记资料申请书(TID 105)PDF 公司注册处(向公司注册处交付文件登记) 注册办事处地址更改通知书(NR1)可输入资料的PDF, DOC 注册非香港公司更改地址申报表(NN9)可输入资料的PDF, DOC 注册非 ...
当你承租住宅物业时,必须清楚了解作为租客的权利和责任。你在物色住宅时及签订租赁协议之前,也须注意若干事项,以下文章给你一些承租住宅物业的提示。 选择承租物业 要找到合适的住宅物业,你可直接与物业业主接洽,或委托持牌地产代理帮忙。
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