[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Memandangkan Konvensyen Kepelbagaian Biologi (CBD) COP16 semakin hampir, penyelidikan dan analisis ...
The green group also expresses dissatisfaction with official support for the rare-earth sector, stating its concern that ...
What is the difference between what Israel does and the Nazi gas chambers? There is none.” Ione Belarra, the leader of ...
Hanya melalui pertukaran idea secara bebas kita dapat berharap untuk menangani cabaran serius yang dihadapi masyarakat dan ...
Only through the free exchange of ideas can we hope to address the serious challenges facing society and nurture the next ...
The views expressed in Aliran's media statements and the NGO statements we have endorsed reflect Aliran's official stand.
Minority voters are not naïve. They sense the real agenda behind Pas’ attempt to entice them. They are well aware that the party will promise them that its politics will not affect the non-Muslims.
Given the many successful models from around the world, it is baffling that KL, which aspires to be a world-class city, has ...
Malaysia has made commitments to achieving this 30% goal. The Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) para 13.21 stated: “Recognising ...