拜登总统在白宫发言时表示,这场飓风可能是佛州百年来最严重的风暴之一。 他对佛罗里达州居民说:“马上、马上、马上疏散”。拜登说联邦政府将在飓风来临前、中、后期帮助佛罗里达州。
张峻豪指出,由于台湾特殊的国际地位,部分国外政治人物来台,不便拜访行政部门,会转往立法院拜访,呈现自己“挺台湾”的诉求。但韩国瑜高举中华民国大旗,淡化台湾,政治意识形态上也较为亲中。“这些挺台的国会议员接触韩国瑜,会不会反而被选民质疑为什么跟亲中人士 ...
Лауреатами Нобелевской премии по химии 2024 года стали ученые Дэвид Бэйкер, Демис Хассабис и Джон Джампер. Премия присуждена ...
Los astrónomos están detectando una nueva clase de agujeros negros gigantes que incluso hacen ver pequeños a los supermasivos ...
The jury has been discharged in the trial of a 14-year-old girl who stabbed two teachers and a pupil. Teachers Fiona Elias ...
David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper have won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their work on proteins. Demis Hassabis ...
Actress Jenna Fischer has revealed she has been receiving treatment for breast cancer since December last year. Best known ...
The couple, who are in their 60s, told the court that they would bring up any child born using their son’s semen sample. And ...
"Advertising in presidential races typically matters only at the margins - it doesn't matter very much - but if the margin is ...
With polls suggesting a tight race, people casting their ballots for their first time say they feel immense pressure.
John Hopfield y Geoffrey Hinton ganan el Premio Nobel de Física 2024 por hacer que "las máquinas aprendan" y sentar las bases ...
El Premio Nobel de Química 2024 fue otorgado conjuntamente a David Baker "por el diseño computacional de proteínas" y a Demis ...