Two staff members from our Division of Academic and Public Programs discuss how the museums foster museum literacy and a ...
The fair skinned man looks over his right shoulder toward the viewer with soft dark eyes, short dark hair with thin beard and moustache. The face is the most defined part of this self portrait of the ...
A nude figure stands with their left arm raised and their right arm behind their hip as they stand in a dynamic pose. They look right, toward a winged figure who flies from behind, looking to the ...
An oil painting portrays a younger man. His face is turned three quarters while his eyes look straight ahead. His black hair is brushed back, and his beard is short. He wears a black blazer jacket, ...
In a stone room with an elaborate concave ceiling and columns, two figures stand on the left-hand side of the image. The man on the right appears surprised by the other figure. The figure on the left ...
In front of a tent at right, and a small folding table with written documents, George Washington stands facing us and looking directly at us with a confident expression. His gray hair pulled back, he ...
A rectangular marble relief portrays Hermes striding to the right in profile with only his right arm in view holding the infant Dionysos in front of him. The infant is wrapped in an ample folded ...
In a lavish room with ornate tapestries, a young woman with fair skin and long light brown hair lies against cushions on the floor, with only a silk sheet wrapped around her legs. A hookah and a fan ...