Up with the lark this morning. Or more aptly, the Mynah birds. They make a heck of a racket at sunset coming in to roost, and pretty noisy this morning, we discovered, jabbering away at sunrise. No ...
The afternoon skies cleared so I hoped to be able to see and photograph the comet in the west after sunset. I went down to Pettcur about a quarter to six (sunset was 6:01) but it was already clear ...
It was much better than Tuesday and much more content to the work. Still the IT issues were again a problem but I managed to ad-lib ok.
You Tube messed me for a couple days, throttled my views again. Kept saying error message. But no explanation. Wasted time again, but thinking cap on again, and I ...
An amazing day at Barmouth for the annual beach bike race. Sunshine, blue sky, warm enough for a tee shirt and the spills and thrills of racing on the beach. Pie and chips, outside in the sunshine ...
Oh my goodness I had such a cool experience this evening. The University of Wyoming Sculpture society had an iron pour. They have been saving scrap iron and today was the day. It is a money making ...
owl demonstration .... that was really fantastic... I took quite a lot of pictures ... I haven't been home for very long so I quickly took a few pictures of the first series ... and the rest of the ...
From the Sun to the Moon Following yesterday's sunrise blip it was a Hunter's moon capture this morning.
It's still Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Good sites and amazing food. We walked up and down the 365 steps to the top of the town.
It is a heavily overcast day here, unusual for us, so the fall colors really popped. Laney enjoyed the change of locale and totally ignored the few dogs we came across. We went twice as far as we ...
Last night Tommy went out to London to see friends and came home with Inca, so this morning we all went out for brunch in the village. It was lovely to catch up with both Tommy after his trip to ...