French development policy is highly interministerial in nature. It involves 24 budget programmes, including the two programmes which are part of the “Official Development Assistance” mission and which ...
Our Webmaster will endeavour comments and suggestions addressed via this contact form and take them into account. However, they cannot deal with specific requests or matters not strictly to do with ...
La France adopte des sanctions à l’encontre de colons israéliens extrémistes qui se sont rendus coupables de violences contre des civils palestiniens en Cisjordanie. À ce titre, 28 individus sont ...
Atout France, the French tourism development agency, is responsible for promoting the development of the tourism industry, the country’s largest economic sector. The three main objectives pursued by ...
France’s development policy operates within the framework set by the international community, particularly the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 by the United Nations General ...
For all your plans to come to France, this section will give you all the practical information you need, together with links to the agencies of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs responsible ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential applications are developing extremely quickly and we are witnessing a genuine digital revolution. Some practical applications are major steps forward.
The Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs is active 24/7. When a crisis occurs abroad, it protects French nationals and coordinates France’s emergency humanitarian ...
En 1904, la signature de l’Entente cordiale a mis fin à plusieurs siècles de rivalité entre la France et l’Angleterre et a ouvert une nouvelle ère dans les relations entre la France et le Royaume-Uni.
Nous, ministres des Affaires étrangères du Triangle de Weimar, réaffirmons notre soutien aux aspirations démocratiques et européennes de l’écrasante majorité de la population géorgienne. Nous ...
Deux ans après l’annexion illégale par la Russie de parties des régions ukrainiennes de Donetsk, Louhansk, Kherson et Zaporijjia, nous, chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’Allemagne, du Canada, des ...
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