In un edificio modernista degli anni Sessanta a Clerkenwell ha inaugurato il suo primo flagship store fuori dagli Stati Uniti ...
Attraverso modelli computazionali e design generativo, Oxman propone con Eden Tower un concept in grado di trasformare un ...
Through computational models and generative design, Oxman proposes a concept capable of transforming an ecosystem for the ...
To highlight the firm’s major investment in the British and European markets and its desire for ever greater in-house synergy ...
A post-war building is reborn through a renovation and extension project with an abstract aesthetic, attentive to ...
According to a study by the University of California, the clusters that power OpenAI's intelligence require a lot of water, ...
The first film, hallucinatory and claustrophobic, was a lockdown success. Not surprisingly, it was set in a giant prison. Now comes the sequel, also on Netflix.
Secondo uno studio dell’Università della California i cluster che alimentano l'intelligenza di OpenAI necessitano di ...
Abbiamo dormito nel nuovo hotel super sperimentale di Berlino, pensato per stare come a casa, dove tutto funziona con una app ...
We spent a night in Berlin’s new super-experimental hotel, designed to make you feel at home, where everything works through ...
In occasione di un un evento che si è tenuto negli studi della Warner Bros a Hollywood, Tesla ha mostrato alcuni prototipi ...
There are three finalist projects for the Italian Pavilion at this 19th edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale. Here are ...