Cercal celebra i 40 anni di attività rimanendo fedele alla stessa missione: “Far innamorare i giovani dell'artigianato” ...
Aprono Pattern Group Academy e Manifattura Campus di Polimoda: malgrado la congiuntura, proseguono gli investimenti formativi ...
Finalmente gli avanzi di Michele lasciano spazio al lavoro di De Sarno: le sue collezioni vendono, il pubblico top le ...
ApritiModa 2024, sold out gli appuntamenti di UNIC e Lineapelle: molto apprezzati i workshop con l'associazione Chiroteca ...
One OK leads to another: the EU Council approves the 12-month extension of the EUDR, now the Europarliament has the final say ...
Decline or transformation: we try to understand what is happening in China, where the decline in luxury consumption is ...
Chiara Ferragni's company balance sheet mystery opens up speculation: some partners want to quit, new ones are being sought ...
And now Bernard Arnault (patron of LVMH), accustomed with those earned, counts the money lost (from the 10 billion on the ...
If Alessio Vannetti, who was appointed just 13 months ago, is also eliminated, it means that Gucci's 2023 shake-up is failing ...
The great confidence of Cucinelli, which in the nine months of 2024 is +12.7% (while everyone else - or almost everyone else ...
The challenge of the Marche footwear manufacturer Blue Star: no to subcontracting, yes to own brand and private label, a ...
Responsabile e impegnata: il gruppo conciario Dani vince il Sustainability Award, primo nella categoria Top 100 ESG ...