施政報告又提出放寬住宅物業按揭貸款成數上限至七成。李家超表示,過去曾有一段時期,政府推出很多住宅物業需求管理措施,是基於當時樓市不健康,炒賣太嚴重而實施。然而,現時物業市場開始穩定,沒有炒賣跡象,若仍盲目應用需求管理措施,便不符合因時制宜、按實際情況 ...
The Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World 2024 Annual Report ranks Hong Kong as the world's freest economy among ...
The Education Bureau announces the optimised arrangements on the weighting of subjects in the Internal Assessments for the ...
Chief Executive John Lee announces in his Policy Address that the Government will conduct a comprehensive review on the ...
Chief Executive John Lee says the Government will expedite the implementation of economic and housing-related projects in the ...
Chief Executive John Lee says he attaches great importance to building a caring and inclusive society, providing targeted ...
Chief Executive John Lee says the new policy of regulating subdivided units balances the genuine demand for these flats with ensuring the market is healthy in its existence.
Chief Executive John Lee unveils bold plans in his 2024 Policy Address for consolidating and enhancing Hong Kong’s status as ...
政務司司長陳國基表示,施政報告守正創新,全方位兼顧經濟發展和構建關愛社會,着力鞏固自身優勢,謀發展、惠民生,當中至少有五大範疇值得特別留意。 陳國基今日會見傳媒時指,五大範疇之一是鞏固提升優勢,同時發展新質生產力。他說,施政報告全方位布局,鞏固提升香港國際金融、航運、貿易中心的地位,發掘新增長點,同時推動傳統產業升級轉型,積極培育新興產業。