Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer! For over 100 years, Save the Children has been doing whatever it takes for children in need. There are many ways you can volunteer to support our ...
All across the globe, children are dying from preventable causes, missing out on education due to poverty or gender, suffering from violence, exploitation and neglect and are vulnerable in times of ...
In 2020, South Asia witnessed one of the heaviest monsoon seasons in years, with two severe cyclons striking Bangladesh and India within just a few weeks of one another. In the Phillipines, multiple ...
The devastation of child marriage effectively ends a girl’s childhood. How? Forced marriage robs a girl of her education and more, replacing lessons learned in the classroom with adult ...
There are six UN-verified “grave violations” of children’s rights in conflict. Being recruited and used as a child soldier is one of them. [i] Save the Children’s Stop the War on Children report, the ...
Prolonged exposure to war and uncertainty means that many children are in a state of 'toxic stress'. Children in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and many other war-torn countries share the same experiences of ...
Partnerships between the private sector and INGOs can transform your business and have a positive, social impact. In partnership, we generate breakthrough solutions to drive economic development and ...
Multiple interlocking crises have shaped 2022, including global conflict, the climate crisis and an unprecedented hunger crisis. People all the world over were hoping that this year would herald the ...
No child lives without risk to challenging experiences. Whether it’s stress due to chronic poverty or stressful experiences in the aftermath of a devastating natural disaster, providing children with ...
When people ask, "Is Save the Children a good charity," we let our results, our financial statements and our nonprofit ratings speak for themselves. It is because of our commitment to children that we ...
Uganda, officially the Republic of Uganda, is a landlocked country, with a troubled history, set astride the equator in East Africa. Striving to become a country of relative stability and prosperity, ...
TOMS® and Save the Children have been working together since 2011 to improve health and education outcomes for children in the United States and around the world.