At least eight species of burying beetle are thought to occur in Oklahoma, each with black and reddish orange markings and a ...
Black widows are considered web-building spiders while brown recluses are in the ambush hunter guild. Both species prefer ...
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) is mandated to manage, protect, and perpetuate Oklahoma’s wildlife. ODWC issues permits to landowners, lessees or their designated agents to ...
The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is an agreement that recognizes the suspension of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses in member states. This means that illegal activities in one state can ...
The trapping season for passage peregrine falcons is September 20 through October 20. The Oklahoma allocation for peregrine falcon take is 5 for 2023. The season will be open until 5 peregrines have ...
Students ages 11-17 currently enrolled in any Oklahoma School and home school students are eligible for participation. Winners of the 2023 contest are not eligible. Applicants must have successfully ...
Watchable Wildlife The Gray Fox by Justin Veach, Education Intern O K L A H O M A’ S Watchable Wildlife the Gr ay fox by j usti N v eaCh, eduCatioN i N terN Three species of foxes can be found in ...
SHERMAN L. BARR/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2017 American kestrel (Falco sparverius) ...