根据向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,BancFirst Corp (NASDAQ:BANF)的重要股东Main Street Banking Partners LP最近出售了该公司的股份。该公司以平均每股110.11美元的价格出售了1,750股BancFirst普通股,总计约192,700美元。
The country also continued to optimize its industrial structure. Production and sales of new energy vehicles increased 31.7 percent and 32.5 percent respectively, and China took on more than 70 ...
BancFirst Corp (NASDAQ:BANF)的主要股东Main Street Banking Partners LP于10月23日披露出售了5,601股普通股。这些股票以平均价格110.21美元出售,总价值约为617,270美元。此次交易后,Main Street Banking ...
A truck loaded with exhibits for the upcoming 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) arrives during an accession ceremony ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Richard Yetsenga: China can sustain strong growth into 2025) ...
Unity6引擎正式发布Unity6,thelatestiterationofUnity\'spopulargameengine,hasbeenofficiallyreleased.Accordingtothecompany\'sCEOMattBro ...
The online platform Yunshang Songyun has linked up with 17 local Hangzhou museums through games, lotteries, and knowledge ...
《炉石传说》40魔块德卡组是一套容错率很高的卡组,不胡的情况下也可以有所发挥,下面请看由“Q-main”为大家带来的《炉石传说》标准40魔块德卡组与玩法分享,希望可以帮助到大家。 # 想要使用这副套牌,请先复制到剪贴板,然后在游戏中点击“新套牌 ...
Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella's on-screen rivalry inspired a revolution in sports entertainment, showing that two women could be main event superstars and draw money, just as well as their male cou ...
国庆长假刚刚过去,全国影院迎来了观影的高潮。据猫眼电影的数据显示,国庆档票房高达4.94亿元,较去年增长了15%,这令不少影迷兴奋不已。随着多个热门影片的上映,总是会留下不少观众意犹未尽。那么,国庆档后还有哪些好看的电影可以期待呢?接下来,我们就来盘 ...
1.What was TD Bank’s main failure that led to the largest fine under the US Bank Secrecy Act? Failure to monitor the majority ...