In a tradition of the festival, Chinese actors Hu Ge and Chen Long were appointed as "Green Action Takers." They will promote ...
"Pinkie Pie's Party" My Little Pony pop-up activities are rolling out in Jing'an District through November 17, bringing ...
一到秋冬季节,街头巷尾就弥漫着糖炒板栗和烤红薯的香味,红薯和板栗不仅美味,有研究还显示它们具有抗癌作用,是真的吗?红薯、板栗,真是“抗癌黑马”?在日本国家癌症研究中心公布的20种抗癌蔬菜“排行榜”中,红薯名列榜首。红薯味道甜美,富含碳水化合物、膳食纤 ...
A century ago, Beijing's first tram service started operation with copper bells that produced clear and crisp rings to signal ...
(吉隆坡18日讯)迎来78周年的恒珍酱园有限公司,日前在吉隆坡海王宫为其家喻户晓的宝宝产品系列推介全新包装,同时宣布于11月起,携手 国内7 家餐厅联手推出宝宝限时优惠菜单。恒珍酱园创立于 1946 ...
Visitors look at self-driving vehicles displayed during the 2024 World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 17, 2024. The 2024 World Intelligent Connected Vehic ...
Abstract : The 55th Zhangshu National Traditional Chinese Materia Medica Trade Fair kicked off on October 16 in Zhangshu, a county-level city in east China's Jiangxi Province, featuring the ...
今年南山半马沿用往届经典路段,对赛道路段进行分段规划,规模大幅扩充至2万人,为热爱跑步的朋友搭建起更广阔的参与平台,随着参赛跑者的增多,领物、存取包等赛事服务也将全面优化升级。此外,今年南山半马还将增设“早餐跑”,融合广东早茶文化,让跑者沉浸式体验“ ...
今天,中国科学院、国家航天局、中国载人航天工程办公室联合发布了我国首个国家空间科学规划《国家空间科学中长期发展规划(2024-2050年)》,提出了我国有望取得突破的5大科学主题和17个优先发展方向,描绘了至2027年、2028年至2035年、203 ...
We, representatives of the Buddhist community from 72 countries and regions, gathered from October 15 to 17, 2024, at Mount ...
Answer: Foreign citizens holding ordinary passports should ensure their passport validity covering their stay in China.