今天早些时候,AMD 工程师 Phil Park 在 Twitter 上发现了一条有趣的 PC 架构历史信息,这条信息来自英特尔前工程师 Robert Colwell 在一年前发布的Quora回答。这条信息表明,如果英特尔没有执意要推出 x64 版 Itanium 系列 CPU,那么英特尔本可以在 x86-64 领域击败 AMD。这个故事的历史背景和其中的评论非常有趣,尤其是考虑到当今的桌面 ...
Earlier today on Twitter, AMD engineer Phil Park identified a curious nugget of PC architectural history from, of all places, ...
All Pentium 4 chips are single core, while dual-core Pentium models such as Pentium D and Pentium Processor Extreme Editions omit the "4" designation. See Pentium. Available in both 32-bit and 64 ...
Intel had a solution ready to add 64-bit features to the "classic" 32-bit x86 ISA, but the company chose to push forward with ...
这些处理器均基于AM5接口,共计八款型号,其中最高配版本拥有16核心,多数型号与锐龙7000系列相对应。唯独入门级EPYC 4214P稍显不同,它仅配备4核心8线程,但最高频率可达5.1GHz,热设计功耗为65W,售价为149美元。
近期,AMD与Intel这两大巨头意外“联姻”,共同捍卫X86架构的霸主地位,引发了业界广泛关注。那么,X86还能“打”多久?老对手之间的合作能否续写X86传奇?今天,让我们进行一次科技考古,回顾X86架构的辉煌历程,探寻它在未来的发展之路。1978 ...
If the system becomes unstable you may have to bump up the processor voltage (which involves another piece of wire). In the article, Dan Zhang is able to take a 1.8GHz Pentium M to 2.4GHz.
The first CPU to reach a clock speed of 4 GHz was the Pentium 4 570 released in November 2004 as part of Intel's NetBurst microarchitecture, but this milestone wasn't achieved out of the box.
3月5日18:00更新:Vista的上市在3大件上着实带来不小影响,加上元霄节刚过,这个年也正式结束,所以存在大量升级或者新装机要求,这在CPU和内存上都带来很大促进。无论Intel还是AMD价格都下挫不少,AMD下降更为猛烈一些,不过散装缺货也非常严重,而Intel各条 ...
Following is a brief history of PC CPUs, starting with the most current. Starting in 1994, AMD introduced its first Pentium-compatible CPU, the K5. It was followed by the K6 and then the Athlon ...
Inside every modern CPU since the Intel Pentium fdiv bug, assembly instructions aren’t a one-to-one mapping to what the CPU actually does. Inside the CPU, there is a decoder that turns assembly ...
A Windows tablet with detachable keyboard can be a more portable and versatile alternative to a laptop. We've tested all the ...