Uniswap's UNI has soared 32% on Unichain launch but may face bull traps, while FTX's FTT and XRP struggles with regal issues.
In other words, even with the billions that are owed and due to be distributed to FTX creditors 1) the investors most likely ...
Ryan Salame, a former top executive at collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, made an unorthodox update to his profile on ...
Former FTX co-CEO Ryan Salame has updated his LinkedIn profile with a new role: a prisoner in a federal correctional ...
Former FTX executive Ryan Salame prepared to start his 7 ½ prison sentence by posting about his "new position" on LinkedIn ...
原创 | Odaily星球日报(@OdailyChina)作者|Azuma(@azuma_eth)美国当地时间 10 月 7 日,特拉华州破产法院的 John Dorsey 法官在听证会上正式决定批准 FTX 的破产计划,这意味着 FTX ...
币界网消息,[根据 Cointelegraph 查看的监狱管理局记录,被定罪的前 FTX 高管 Ryan Salame 于 2024 年 10 月 11 日在 FCI Cumberland 监狱服刑。萨拉姆因在 2022 年 FTX ...
金色财经报道,前FTX高管Ryan Salame已开始在马里兰州监狱服刑七年半。据联邦监狱局网站称,Salame曾担任FTX Digital Markets的联合首席执行官,截至周六上午,他被关押在马里兰州的FCI Cumberland。该监狱是一所“中等安全级别的联邦惩教机构,旁边有一个最低安全级别的卫星营”。据该监狱网站称,该监狱关押了1000多名囚犯。
Ryan Salame, once a high-ranking executive at bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX, took to LinkedIn this week to share that ...
FTX破产计划获得法院批准,该交易所倒闭以来收复高达165亿美元(约215新元)的资产,将全数偿还客户。 破产计划是基于与 FTX 客户和债权人、美国政府机构以及为清算FTX在美国境外业务而指定的清算人,所达成的一系列和解。
根据10月11日的文件,美SEC再次推迟了对现货以太坊ETF期权的决定。 文件称,美SEC推迟对拟议的规则变更作出决定,该变更允许Cboe交易所列出与几种流行的现货以太坊ETF相关的期权,该机构裁决的截止日期已从10月19日推迟至12月3日。 彭博行业研究分析师James Seyffart表示,BTC ETF期权很可能会在2025年第一季度在美国推出。