财联社10月14日讯(编辑 黄君芝)在上周的Robotaxi活动后,特斯拉股价上周五大跌近9%。有分析师评论称,这正是特斯拉投资者应该吸取的教训:炒作甚于基本面。最新事件暴露了该公司股票的高估值与现实之间的脱节。 研究公司CFRA分析师Garrett Nelson对这次事件的评论是:“(如同)看一部情节曲折、特效百出的电影,到最后,你会摸不着头脑地离开。” ...
导语Introduction回旋镖元年,又见一镖正从时间长河中回溯而来。作者丨林登万责编丨曹佳东编辑丨何增荣又是每年例行“为梦想窒息”的马氏发布会。在经历了现场有人突发疾病紧急送医这一小插曲之后,埃隆·马斯克祭出了他的“生态化反”——早在2016年就 ...
10月12日,极越在AI智驾分享会上宣布,将在2026-2027年与百度Apollo共同打造Robotaxi,加入无人驾驶出租车行列。同时,极越CEO夏一平透露,极越已有出海计划,将在今年10月下旬,前往阿布扎比测试ASD智驾,希望未来能把中国的智驾 ...
His most important future product was acting very much thanks to human intelligence with critics calling it a "parlor trick." ...
乍看之下,Cybercab 的外观设计与棱角分明和钢制车身的 Cybertruck 相似。特斯拉分享的图片也显示出该车具有金属质感,引发了人们对该车外壳是否采用不锈钢的猜测。
没有方向盘、脚踏板的特斯拉Robotaxi 终于解开神秘面纱,但马斯克的这份答卷却并未令市场满意。 周五,特斯拉跳空大跌,盘中一度暴跌超10%至214.4美元,为8月5日以来最大跌幅。 截止发稿,现跌7.83%报220.07美元,总市值7039亿美元 ...
We put together a list of the similarities between Tesla’s all-electric robotaxi and VW’s fuel-sipping automotive oddity ...
A new design ethos was on full display at the Tesla Robotaxi event, offering some not-so-subtle hints of what to expect from ...
With its shares falling 9% on Friday and down over 17% in the past year, it’s safe to say Tesla has a lot to prove when it ...
E lon Musk’s choice of Warner Bros Studios for the long-anticipated launch of his robotaxi on October 10th is entirely ...
In this Sunday edition of Insider Today, we're talking about Wall Street's tepid response to Tesla's robotaxis.
Uber Technologies (UBER) stock price went parabolic last week, soaring to a record high of $86 as investors focused on ...