Elections must take place at the latest 45 days after the dissolution of parliament is announced, the broadcaster said.
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Iceland's Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson on Sunday announced the end of the country's governing ...
A governmental crisis erupted in Iceland after Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson on Sunday announced the government's ...
Residents of the seaside town of Grindavík in Iceland are being allowed to return home nearly a year after fleeing the region ...
10月13日,西安一小米SU7疑因躲避电动车失控,冲向公交车站致等车行人1死1伤。不幸发生后,10月14日,华商报大风新闻从家属邵先生处了解到“母亲伤势过重急需输血,村委会号召村民献血”一事,报道后引关注。10月15日,伤者家属邵先生告诉华商报大风新 ...
The prime minister is expected to ask President Halla Tómasdóttir on Monday to formally dissolve Iceland’s parliament, the ...
30, Icelandic public broadcaster RUV reported. In a press conference Benediktsson cited growing disagreements between the three governing parties on issues regarding asylum seekers and energy ...
三明市宁化县淮土镇村民参加“工助振兴 共富共美”劳动技能竞赛。图为挑花生项目。 东南网10月15日报道(福建日报记者 庄严 通讯员 黄雯倩 文/图) 核心提示 ...
唐嫣钟汉良同台有多甜?当年结婚视频被曝出,唐嫣看到后瞬间脸红 ...
中场:6-王上源(河南)、8-李源一(山东泰山)、15-程进(浙江队)、20-谢文能(山东泰山)、21-汪海健(上海申花)、17-黄政宇(山东泰山) 前锋:7-武磊(上海海港)、22-阿兰(青岛西海岸)、9-张玉宁(北京国安)、10-韦世豪(成都蓉城 ...