During the Middle Ages (roughly 5th to 15th century), aristocracy and nobility played central roles in shaping the social, ...
Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC. Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BC, starting a civil war. Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC, by a group of senators. Ancient Roman ...
It’s unclear whether a single, very high dosage of vitamin C given at the first sign of a cold would be enough to halt the illness. For two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, the matter was clear.
Of all Napoleon’s cavalry units, the Mamluks are certainly the most famous due to their vivid appearance, exotic origins, and the strong passions they stirred among contemporaries, both in their glory ...
When normal stars like the Sun run out of fuel, they collapse into white dwarfs. These dense stellar corpses are the last stage of development for low and medium mass stars.
The Reign of Terror, The bloody chapter of the French Revolution, led by Robespierre and the Jacobins, was an extremely violent time in the French Revolution. All those who opposed the current ...
From the time of the Renaissance forward, these fortresses were renovated into elegant mansions complete with gardens, turrets, and other architectural flourishes. The Latin “castellum” refers to a ...
During the Second Punic War, on August 2, 216 BC, Hannibal led the Carthaginians to victory in the Battle of Cannae, where they slaughtered at least 50,000 Roman legionaries serving under Republican ...
The Romanization of Gaul began in earnest after Julius Caesar's conquest during the Gallic Wars. Prior to this, much of Gaul was inhabited by a variety of Celtic tribes, loosely connected through ...
During the Gallic era, the Aedui were a Celtic people who occupied the region of present-day Burgundy, with Bibracte, located on Mount Beuvray, as their capital. The mention of “our ancestors, the ...