We maintain a permanent, continually updated database of Canadians who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums called the National Register of Electors. It contains the name, ...
As a result of the decennial redistribution process that was completed in 2023, the boundaries and names of many electoral districts will change. These changes will take effect only at the first ...
Most political entities collect contributions and spend money in their efforts to influence the decisions that Canadians make when participating in the democratic process, including when thinking ...
A federal returning officer is responsible for the delivery and control of federal electoral events within the electoral district to which he or she is appointed.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une foire aux questions sur l'inscription des électeurs aux les élections fédérales au Canada.
Le poste de directeur général des élections (DGE) a été créé en 1920 en vertu de l'Acte des élections fédérales. Comme le directeur général des élections est nommé pour un mandat unique de 10 ans par ...
Elections Canada plans to offer the Vote on Campus program in the next general election. Currently, more than 120 campuses across the country are set to host the program. Sunday before advance polls: ...
To vote, you must be a Canadian citizen, be at least 18 years old on election day, and prove your identity and address. Once an election is called, you will have several voting options: Vote on ...
Les préposés au scrutin travaillent principalement aux lieux de vote, soit là où les électeurs vont voter. Divers postes sont offerts, allant du scrutateur, qui manipule les bulletins de vote, au ...
What is a writ of election? A writ is a formal written order instructing the returning officer in each electoral district to hold an election to elect a member of Parliament. specifies the day by ...
This web page will help you understand the various people and procedures involved in protecting Canada's federal electoral system. As maintaining the integrity of the electoral process is at the core ...