Advert.  Whenever a new post by Alina Rudya a.k.a. rudyyya pops up in my social media feed my heart gets filled with warm ...
When we think of Berlin as a tourist destination, there’s one spot that invariably attracts all kinds of visitors. Whether it’s your grandma or the cool chick you met in London, they’ll want to see ...
The Wilhelm Hallen saw their first ballroom take over last weekend for their Berlin Art Week kick-off and the art was shaking on the walls! The Cuntemporary Mini Kiki Ball hosted by Father Dante ...
Previously on iHeartBerlin, you could learn some unique German words of happiness, get your casual German on fleek, delve into the charming world of German insults and even pimp up your Deutscher ...
Berliners love it green, not only when they go shopping, but also at the workplace! So it was time for us to have a look around for the most innovative, green ideas in the capital. For this we teamed ...
The looming arrival of the heatwave has the people talking about literally nothing else than how they could possibly escape from it. One thing every conversation about it seems to have in common is ...
I already revealed my passion for plants the other week with my big plant guide. A side effect of it is my new-found interest in pottery, not only for its final result – beautiful ceramics – but also ...
It seems to be true for most relationships that after three years you get to notice things about your loved one that you’re just not very much into. And as I find, it’s no different after you’ve lived ...
23:00 – 01:00 OSKAR.
The Ballroom scene of Berlin is on fire right now! Never have there been more balls happening with new events popping up every other week. It’s exciting to see the enthusiasm of the young generation ...
Club Mate fans take note: Have you ever stared into your Club Mate and wondered who you really are? Have you ever wanted to really explore yourself? Find out what paths, opportunities, and feelings ...
Frei-Körper-Kultur hat in Berlin mehr Tradition als glanz-polierte Instagram Profile, doch plötzlich wird in der Stadt der Ausschweifung ein weiblicher Nippel zum Problem. Was uns im digital-anonymen ...