Designed by Alvar and Aino Aalto in 1929, the Sanatorium of Paimio, Finland, is widely regarded as the first example of modern architecture applied to healthcare. Sanatorium is a Latin word commonly ...
Daniel Libeskind is one of the most culturally multifaceted contemporary architects. Though the general public knows him mostly for his Jewish Museum in Berlin and the (unfortunately unbuilt) design ...
Entitled ‘The Laboratory of the Future’, the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale has caused much controversy. Many defined it as “an architecture biennial without architecture” and deplored an excessive ...
These days, Italy is not particularly renowned for its consumer electronics products; yet, there was a time, in the ’60s, when an Italian company was reputed to be the “European response” to American ...
If you wonder what most people intended a “futuristic” computer to look like in the late ’70s, this little-known Dutch PC can give you an answer: it had to be something you could expect to see in the ...
La Tate Modern di Londra è dedicata all’arte moderna e contemporanea. Insieme con la Tate Britain, la Tate Liverpool e la Tate St. Ives forma il ‘sistema Tate’ nel Regno Unito. Situato nel quartiere ...
Disegnato dallo studio B720 Fermìn Vàzquez Arquitectos, il volume del Padiglione Spagnolo occupa una superficie di oltre 2500 metri quadrati, ed è formato da due lunghi volumi paralleli definiti da ...
While approaching the Tate Modern after crossing the Thames by the Millenium Bridge, a visitor can hardly imagine what is currently happening behind the glorious former Bankside Power Station which is ...
Recently, at an exhibition in Milan, I had the rare occasion to see a restored version of the famous Maison Bulle (The Bubble House) designed by French architect Jean-Benjamin Maneval in the early ...
The German Pavilion at the EXPO 2015, in Milan, is entitled Fields of Ideas. On a floor area of 4,933 square meters, the pavilion presents various themes related to the sustainable use of natural ...
A Commodore PET 2001-8; photo CC BY-SA 2.0 FR by Rama & Musée Bolo via Wikipedia Commons. Indeed, many elements of this famous late-70s PC were somewhat inspired by A Space Odyssey‘s infamous thinking ...
The plan of Villa Savoye is based on a square grid, marked by 25 columns, while the elevations are based on a rectangular pattern. In late 1928, the square grid, and consequently the whole building, ...